Carroll County Water Department puts in the water tap.
An unanticipated expense. A jackhammer had to be rented to chip away part of a huge rock vein. They are now ready to pour the footers.
The footers for the basement walls are poured.
Ginger shows up to check on progress.
Two trees that we're trying hard to save face some tough times ahead.
Setting up the forms for the basement walls.
Cabot assumes his supervisory position.
Smoothing the concrete at the tops of the forms.
Doing business on the job. Rick signs for the concrete.
Getting ready to bury the power and telephone cables.
Carroll EMC starts to hook up the power cable.
A side project. David builds a utility shed.
The basement floor is framed in and the basement bathroom is stubbed in. Ready to pour the slab.
With the utility shed complete, David has time for a disagreement with the wood chipper. The wood chipper wins the argument.
We have a floor ! The basement floor is poured.
The garage footers are also poured.
Pouring the Foundation and the Basement
Building the forms for the footers for the retaining walls.
Pouring the Foundation and the Basement
Pouring the Basement walls.